I’ve written this post so people who attended my talk at Wilderness festival on 05/08/16 can find more info including the resources I promised.

If you want to check out the slides again, I’ve put them at the bottom of the page. Before that, there are some useful links.

If you want a general (ove)review of my thesis on happiness, here’s an interview I did with the University of Oxford. It’s got links there to some of the studies I will have mentioned at Wilderness.

In this blog post I outline some free ways of changing how you think and spend your time to become happier. I suggest the best resources I’ve seen for mindfulness, cognitive behavioural therapy, positive psychology and happiness tracking, as well as explaining what they are and why they they are potentially useful.

If you want to learn about the weirdness of the human mind and how you can nudge yourself happier, you could try the bestseller Nudge by Thaler and Sunstein, or if you just want practical guidance, read the 3 page executive summary of the EAST report by the Behavioural Insights Team 

You may also want to check out these organisations:

Action for happiness have loads of info on happiness and run courses and events. I’d recommend their course (which I recently went on) and their 10 keys to happier living.

80000hours gives people advice so they can have the biggest positive impact with you career. Do good, feel good.

Giving What We Can looks at how you can do the most good with your money. Some charities are 1000s of times more effective than others and they pick the best ones.

Both 80,000 Hours and Giving What We Can are both part of Effective Altruism, a philosophy and social movement which tries to do the most good (and I’m a big fan of).

And obviously you should have heard of the Sunday Assembly who will help you celebrate the magic of simply being alive!

[embeddoc url=”http://www.andthepursuitof.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/How-to-be-happier-wilderness.pptm” download=”all”]